Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Thursday Plan

On Thursday, I will be reading to children and parents for Kindercare's Reading Night. I cannot decide what to read. Hunter's current favorites are Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car and How Do Dinosaurs Go to School. Should I read either of those? Should I read a tried and true classic? I'm so torn. This is a big deal. Hunter is super excited about this and told all of his teachers and all of his preschool friends that his mommy was coming to read to them. I have to make sure to do this right! Also, one of the other teachers told me that one of the other dads plans to dress up as Bob the Builder and read a Bob the Builder book. That's pretty cool, if you look at it from a five-year-old's perspective. How do I compete with that? Wow! Lots to think about!

Today, Hunter and Mason ran around wearing pants and no shirts! Hunter, in pure Mitch style, did a number of muscle man poses. Mason mimicked Hunter's moves! It was sooooo cute!

Last night we went bowling with my sister and her husband. It was a lot of fun and we were pleasantly surprised to see our friends Wade and Kelly and their friends arrive at the bowling alley as well and bowl alongside of us! It's been a long time since I've been out on a Friday night! I felt, dare I say it, carefree!

:) Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I'd do the monkey book. Don't all little kids love monkeys? :)