Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A McDonalds Memory

I had a meeting after work today. In consequence, I picked the boys up fairly late- 5:30 p.m. Knowing my boys, I decided to head to the drive-thru window at McDonalds in order to avoid the screaming for food they usually do the second we arrive home. On our way there, I asked Hunter what he would like to order. Response: fries (of course) and chicken nuggets. I asked Hunter what we should order for Mason. Response: salad and turkey. I have a feeling that this is the start of an ongoing part of Hunter and Mason's relationship- Hunter will decide how he can mess with Mason. Today, case in point, give the little one the salad while he is forced to watch big brother gobble down greasy goodness. They both got chicken nuggets and fries. Yes, I can feel guilty. I'd be more inclined to call me wise, considering the meltdowns both boys have around this time of day. There is no way either of them would tolerate my attempts to warm something up, much less cook anything.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Hunter is such a stinker! But he's adorable so he can get away with it. :) (Just wait until Mason outgrows him though!)