Monday, November 3, 2008

Hunter has a girlfriend!

About a week ago, Hunter informed me that he had a new friend named Petra. He introduced me to her one day when I picked him up on the playground after school. Petra informed me that Hunter was HER friend. Well, today, Hunter was playing, once again, with Petra when I picked him up after school. This time, Hunter made sure to say goodbye to Petra and then proceeded to tell me, as we drove home, that Petra was HIS friend and that no one else was allowed to play with her, not even Anika (don't know who this Anika is). SO, I guess it's serious!.... :) I did make sure to tell Hunter that he is allowed to have more than one friend. This seems to be something going on at school currently. According to Hunter, one of his friends from last year, Isaac, is now ONLY friends with Devin. I remember this all happening in grade school. I guess it happens in preschool now. Breaks my heart a little that little kids are already experiencing what it feels like to be left out.....

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