Sunday, April 26, 2009

What is there to do on a Rainy Sunday?

Hunter, Mason, and I started our rainy Sunday on the couch- cuddling and watching something on the TV. I'm not sure what we were watching as I was not paying a bit of attention and neither were the boys. They were too busy jumping on me. We transitioned to the dining room table shortly thereafter and ate cheerios and I guzzled coffee and attempted to read the newspaper. I find that I know very little lately about the goings on in the world. When am I supposed to read, watch, or listen to the news? After breakfast, we raced ourselves to the basement. During that transition, I taught Mason how to scoot down the stairs. He learned amazingly fast. Downstairs, as the boys were dumping all the toys from their bins, I decided to finally get our toy situation under control. I helped them dump every single toy bin and proceeded to organize them into some sort of system that makes sense. This is what I came up with for categories: Super Hero stuff, infant toys, cars, puzzles and games, costume/dress up stuff, sport stuff, balls, farm, legos and blocks, choking hazard (stored in Hunter's room hopefully out of Mason's reach but he's also quite a climber), Mr. Potato Head stuff, etc. Seriously, we have too many toys and too many types of toys. I recall a time when my nieces were coming for a visit and I was in desperate need of some toys. Now, they fill rooms to the brim and start finding their way into "no-toy" zones like my bedroom and our fridge and the sink, etc. Anyway, I think I won the battle with the toys, even though Mason and Hunter continueed to take things out as I put things into bins. After the toy war, it was lunchtime. The boys ordered me around for a little bit. Sometimes, they might as well just yell, "more, woman." Mason went down for a nap and Hunter and I went back downstairs where I finally caved and let him play Wii. We have a new rules that he can only play Wii when it's raining or snowing. So, I guess today is the day. I played one game of bowling and then laid down. My allergies have really kicked in. I have terrible allergies--so bad that sometimes it feels more like the flu than anything else. I slept for about fifteen minutes and then decided it was time to battle the laundry situation. Mitch called in the midst of that--I yelled at him just because. Sorry Mitch. So, now here I type as Hunter sits behind me playing cars on my back. Mason is still sleeping and I wonder what else we are going to do today.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Sounds like you had quite the Sunday. I was LAZY! But I did go shopping for a bit! :)