Saturday, August 9, 2008

One a Flirt; the Other, Still Mommy's Biggest Fan

Mitch and I attended the wedding reception of a couple who is good friends with our neighbors across the street this afternoon and took Hunter and Mason along for the ride. What I learned is that my son, Hunter, four-years-old, is a shameless flirt. He set his sights on three of the ladies (that we know of) at the reception, all over the age of twenty-seven. He played with their hair, brought them bugle chips, hugged them, waved at them, etc. When we asked later who his girlfriend is, Hunter's reply was "Kelly," our neighbor across the street. Now, watching my son work the ladies during the reception was strange though Hunter did bring me one or two bugle chips just to make sure I was somewhat still a part of his life. At least Mason still thinks I'm awesome! He was only happy when I held him and treated to me to his wonderful toothy grin a number of times. He thinks I'm quite witty and hilarious! He has a few years before he starts setting his sights on a world outside of our home!

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