Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Hunter

My cellphone calendar alarm starting ringing at 3 a.m. this morning! "Happy Birthday Hunter" glowed from the screen and I remembered inputting that information sometime in the recent past. Hunter crawled into bed with us this morning at 6 a.m. and I was immediately reminded of the moment he entered our world! He is growing up so fast that his pants are too short and his t-shirts are too small. Mitch measured him against our doorframe this morning and he is about two inches taller than he was last year at this time. This morning at breakfast he quizzed me- "Mom, do you know what 100 plus 10 is?" "Mom, this is a hard one. Do you know what 50 plus 50 is?" He got himself ready for school this morning. He wore his brand new Yoda t-shirt, given to him yesterday. I'm going to eat lunch with him at his school today. I'm going to go buy him a cake for later tonight. We celebrated his birthday this past weekend with my family and some of our friends.

What I want to say about my son on his 6th birthday:
He has, by far, the best laugh of any little boy I know. When he laughs he glows!
He is crazy good at the monkey bars
In my world, he is a math whiz :)
He loves "The Princess Bride."
He cares if he hurts my feelings, as he kind of did yesterday when he said he didn't like the present I bough him. When he realized he hurt my feelings, he started saying things like, "Wow! This is great!" "Look mom, this is COOL!"

My heart is FOREVER tangled up with his!

I love you my son!


Kellie said...

Such a cutie! Sorry we missed his b-day.

Sarah said...

I love what you said at the end, "My heart is forever tangled up in his." I almost cried... well, I did, but don't tell anyone :)