Friday, April 16, 2010

"Bad Day" song lyrics insert here

This has been the hardest week I've endured in my professional career since my first year teaching. You'd know it to look at me too. Tonight as I stood in line at Target balancing a salad and cheetos (that's the combo I was craving) on top of a case of diapers and reminding Hunter to just chill out, I couldn't help but compare myself to the super-trendy and cute woman standing in front of me. She looked fit, tan, and was dressed to impress. She did not have a hair out of place. I looked at her shoes- leopard print pumps- and thought- "I'm just wrong." My hair had that static fabulous thing going on and my clothes were just not right on my body- I felt like that alien on "Men in Black" that stuffs his massive self into the skin of another person. I had no color in my cheeks and my eyes were "I cried a lot today" puffy.

At least I have the weekend to gain some perspective and somehow get "this" situation(referencing myself from head to foot) under control! Take Care!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

oh Beth, you are ALWAYS beautiful. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT compare yourself to anyone, because noone compares to you :) I hope this week is better for you.