Monday, June 30, 2008

Focus, Mason, Focus

Have you ever heard yourself speaking through your child? Today, on the way home from preschool, I asked Hunter if he would help me feed Mason while I made dinner (in preparation for our trip to karate class and Chuck-E-Cheese, Hunter's promised reward if he behaved at karate). He said he would. As I scrambled through the kitchen, trying to get dinner going, I could hear Hunter encouraging Mason, whose mouth was clamped shut, to eat. I could hear Hunter saying, over and over, "Focus, Mason, focus." I heard also, on our drive home, Hunter saying to Mason, "Hi, Mason, hi! (high pitched voice- I'm sure mimicking mommy) are you hungry. Do you want to eat? Hi, Mason, hi!"

Other Hunter-isms-

Papa-scules- for popsicle
Lizzers- for scissors
"Mr. Brown Can Do Can You?" for "Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?"

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi Beth! I loved reading your blog. This was my first time visiting the blog... I spaced that you started one. You really should write a book! Your blog kind of reads like one. Great stories. My favorite is your most recent post, "Focus, Mason, Focus."